The Importance of Diversity in Community

Stained glass designed by Bronislaw Bak. Church designed by Marcel Breuer. Photo by Paul Middlestaed.

The Rule of Saint Benedict and the role of college admission in DEIJ.

The role of the individual in a community is a central principle of the Rule of Saint Benedict, a guide written by a sixth-century Catholic monk for the members of the monastic order he founded in Subiaco, Italy.

Fourteen centuries later, the artist Bronislaw Bak (working in conjunction with the architect Marcel Breuer) prominently featured this principle in his monumental stained glass window (at the time, the largest stained glass work in the world) in the Saint John’s Abbey Church in central Minnesota. Bak, an art professor at the associated college, composed dozens of individual, hexagon motifs that interlace to form a whole.

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